Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Emy was stumped

I love Tuesdays - my busiest day, of course, with three sets but I get to dance with Maggie McArdle at the end of the night. And she actually stumped me last night. It was Broadway Night - lots of great music and fun dancing. Then Le Tango de Roxanne did me in. I literally could not call up the right routines. I felt ridiculous and embarassed. And Maggie was so apologetic that she actually switched to another song right away! I told her she should have been proud of herself - no one has ever done that before (not even DJ Otawan Fouquet.)

I have been downloading songs like crazy - trying to make up for lost time. I haven't choreoed songs in ages but I did two songs yesterday morning and it felt so good. I have so many songs on my to do list now, but I am back! I even found Phantom of the Opera - Nightwish. Allan couldn't find it yesterday morning. But I have What a Feeling, Forever Young and By Heart (Laura Creamer). Hehe - Gerrit's Abba Mix is next, though; 8.19 minutes - long mixes are the bane of my existence. I have to use so many dances in each one in order not to repeat. Tunes are easier - I remember most of the songs so I can anticipate the changes, but mixes are a DJ's creation and while fun, are challenging. They contain bits and pieces of songs and I never have any idea of tempo or lyric changes. I choreo to the lyrics or the melody instead of the bpm (beats per minute.) It makes scoring a song a little more challenging, but much more fun. Bpm can get boring - imagine nothing but techno - uggggh!

Johnni Twine just came in to Linri's and gave me the most wonderful thing - a Wormwood Potion. I drank it and it gave me back my humanity from that unauthorized vampire bite I sustained a month ago and erased the hit that is credited to Carles Oyen. Johnni is my hero!

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