Thursday, June 10, 2010


Over the past month I have had to say some goodbyes. Tulsa retired from the SL entertainment field very abruptly, although I knew it was inevitable. He had become increasingly irritated with my request that he let me know at least 24 hours in advance when he changed music genre so that I could prepare the correct dance cards for our biweekly shows. And he had been saying for months that he was bored....

This week I said farewell to my beloved Erebos. I followed Cas there even when I didn't want to because of our friendship in both RL and SL. But I am not cut out for strong RP. I can do simple stuff, but I cannot think fast on my feet when I am thrown a curve ball and Linwe has been doing that to me. Hawk and I had an agreement not to rp together because he is too violent for my tastes and that was fine because there were others to play with. But now Erebos is nearly empty. I catch Swith on occasion but my hours are her late times and I have to stay up late to even play with Cas. So if I decided to just not play with Linwe, there would be no one to play with at all. Better if I move on to another realm.

I will miss Fae Fests, but since there are now no active fae (except Cas) they don't make much sense. And I had planned such hi jinx for Midsummer's Eve. Oh well...

I have retired Fae Emy for a while. It was hard to rp in the early evenings due to my dance rehearsals 3 times a week and I would like to find a place where I feel comfortable as a human. Linri's used to feel like that for me, but it is now long gone and the patrons scattered.

So I bid farewell to Fae Emy. Perhaps she will reappear one day...perhaps not. Cas & Swith & Linwe, I will miss you dearly.

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