Saturday, May 9, 2009


Tori will be gone from SL until next some time next weekend and I already miss him. Just before he left, we had one of our silly discussions about me being as delicate as a flower (a lily, to be precise). And this morning when I went into the house, I found he had left a lily plant beside the little daybed we have. He left Thursday night, so he must have done it then. And today was Saturday morning! Had it really been that long since I went indoors? I feel guilty that I had not noticed them until then.

It is amazing how well our bits & pieces of furniture went together. Our likes (and dislikes) are very similar. Here is a picture of the working cuckoo clock that is his - I just love it!

This afternoon I worked the sock hop wedding reception I blogged about earlier. The build that this woman did was amazing. The "Chapel" was set up like a drive-in movie with cars to sit in and a diner - very cute and the club was totally 50's style. There were records spinning on the floor and I set up the dance dots on them. The DJ was JustMe Trancon and he was excellent - did a good job with ALL the wedding music. But I am exhausted.

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