Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hot Water!

I woke up in Eirini this morning to discover that Tori had installed Solar panels on the roof of the villa. They will heat the water so it will be hot and we can finally have running hot water! I won't have to heat the bath water in buckets over the campfire. What a luxury! Now all we need is a shower...

I spent the better part of two hours looking for an acceptable Macarena dance. I had put off getting this dance because it is like "thriller" and the "time warp"; everyone wants the whole song to be nothing but that dance, and I am too stubborn to dance that way. I went to at least 6 shops before I ended up at Abranimations. The prices ranged from L$50 to L$200 and the quality ranged from -1 to 8.5 (on a scale of 0 to 10.) It is amazing how different the animations were. A couple of them were based on the original jerky freebie (which I could not locate), some of them were too slow and one was a copy of one of the others, although it put me slightly canted forward instead of straight up. And that was the one selling for L$200! /me shakes her head in disgust. Abranimations animations are not my favorite dances. I am not exactly sure why 'cause I can't seem to put my finger on it, but the dances seem slightly off to my eye. So I am very careful when I buy a dance there. But I think I found the best of them....

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